HEMISPHERE CABLE COMPANY was created with the objective of developing submarine cable communication systems in those markets with high communication potential but not adequately served by the existing submarine communication services.
Connecting the World with solutions and services.For information on our Management Team please scroll down further to Management Team section.

Ramon Gil-Roldan
President and Founder
Ramón has been representative of the Government of the Canary Islands in Madrid. He worked as Vice-President of Terremark Worldwide Inc. dealing with African affairs to establish an Internet Hub for West African and Latam countries and business development activities in the subsea Cables industry. Ramon has over 30 years senior experience within the subsea industry.

Margaret Chen
Corporate Managing Director
Margaret enjoys the highest professional recognition, achieving the top management position within a Fortune 500 multinational company – the Telefonica Group, where she has been Corporate Director of the Chairman and CEO Office and Asia General Manager. Recently, she has been appointed as one of 100 experts in COTEC Foundation, organization chaired by the King Felipe VI of Spain. Additionally, Margaret has been an Alternative Board Member of China Netcom, Board Member of China National Broadband Lab., Founding Partner and CEO of China Spain Innovation & Ventures (CSIV) and Founder and Honorary President of China Club Spain, among other positions, contributing from her positions to foster the business and investment between Spain and China, promoting the bilateral relations and commercial deals.

Luis M. Jara
Chief Executive & Financial Officer
Luis began his career in the banking sector, later moving to the Telefonica Group where he has been the Risk Management Director of the Telefonica Group and CFO of Telefonica Real Estate and Terra Networks Asociadas. Since 2005, Luis has been involved in the renewable energy, health, commodity trading and energy sectors, with over 25 years of vast technical and investment track record.

Kunle Ogunbufunmi
Executive Vice-President & COO
Kunle has over 20 years’ experience in major telcos in Nigeria, Africa and Europe. For MTN Nigeria, he was responsible for managing the rollout of over 7000 km of terrestrial fiber optic networks. Since 2009 Kunle is founder and Managing Director of Infranet, Ltd where he has built the terrestrial backhaul networks for two of the recent submarine cables to land in Lagos, Nigeria.

Pending Confirmation
Chief Technology Officer
CTO has over 20 years’ experience in IT & Telecoms and Value Added Services, with a track record in leading the delivery of complex projects for clients such as AT&T, Level3 Communications, Interoute Communications, BT Radianz (now BT Design and Innovate), BT Telconsult (now BT Advise), Core2Africa Mauritius, Airtel Nigeria, Nokia and Thomson Reuters Global. CTO is currently an Infrastructure Delivery Consultant handling the Information Technology Services portfolio as well as the Sigma (MPLS) Development Vehicle Points of Presence Infrastructure migrations in Thomson Reuters.

Jerónimo García Tejera
Chief Resources & Controller Officer
Jerónimo has a double degree on International Economy and Trading from the Beihang University of Beijing -China-, complemented with a Master Degree on Project Management PMP -Spain-. Living in Beijing for over 14 years and studying in Chinese and English, has enabled him to master the Chinese culture. Jeronimo has enjoyed an intense working experience in Chinese and European companies, from Consulting Services (City Partners Pte.Ltd. Beijing; Gestamp S.A. ) to out servicing (Two waters Ltd. Co Beijing; Magnate Import and Export; DREI Beijing Office).

Pending Confirmation
Chief Commercial Officer
CCO is a Senior Executive with over 25 years experience as a Managing Director in the Multinational Telecoms arena, working for companies like Telefónica, France Telecom, FLAG Telecom/ Reliance and, since 2015, and other cable company, providing him with great knowledge of different markets (System Integrators, Service Providers and other telco operators, Carriers Carrier/Wholesale Business)

Silverio Fernández Pérez
Advisor to the President in Institutional Affairs
Silverio has an intensive experience and relations dealing with the real state sector worldwide, as well as having highly invaluable relationship with different politics and financial institutions globally.

Roberto Sicilia
Chief Strategy Officer
Jose Roberto is an Economist from Malaga University in Spain. He is a specialist in economic development, international economics & economic impact and financial studies. Throughout his extensive career, Jose Roberto has accumulated a vast experience in strategic and financial consulting in different sectors of the economic activity.

Sergio González Martín-Fernández
Chief Scientific Officer
Sergio owns a MSc in Applied Physics and over 46 years of experience in the design and building of electronic instruments and systems. As a student at UAM, he was awarded with an extraordinary prize for the design and building of an electronic calculator with a Braille display. From 1976 to 1983 he led the creation of the electronics department of the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands, giving support to the early working team that led to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory constitution. In 1983 he began his private activity, with diverse projects for industry and applied medicine (ophtalmology, neurophysiology, etc.), as well as for Astrophysical research. During 2001-2002 he led the design and building of the Eddge Sensor Electronics for the main 10.4m mirror of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). In the recent years (after 2015) he joined the GTC where he was Technical Director.

Juan Macarro Iglesias
Chief Marketing Officer
Juan is a business development manager with over 20 years experience in deployment of fiber networks In Latin America, Spain and Portugal. Juan has worked for several multinational corporations as an expert in global communications markets amongst whom we can mention Internexa, Viapass IPTV Services, PTV Telecom, Cable Runner, NAE, Entelgy, Tel Broad, Birka Corp Tecnológica or REN Telecom.
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